
Company Name

Central System Co., Ltd.


6-11-7 Motonakayama, Funabashi-city, Chiba, 273-0035 Japan


Shunichi Sasahara

Date Established

March, 2001


Design and Sale Elevator Control Panel

"Central System Co., Ltd." was established in 2001 for the purpose of the design and fabrication and sales of the elevator part and the control panel.

The setting number of the elevator of Japan increased drastically while the period of high economical growth from 1960 latter half.

In late years many elevators which were installed during rapid economic growth reached the period to be updated and repair (a renewal).

Especially at the building in operation, there is high demand to execute renewal in short term. Our thin devices offer you the excellent solution for renewal of the control panel on an existing basket ("CAGE").

As our operating panels are designed mainly for renewal, you can install them in short term without work upon the existing "CAGE" or wall.We are the specialist of the operating panel of the elevator.

From consideration for a physically challenged or aged people, we adopted Embossed Button not only for the visually impaired but also for all people.


10 million Japanese Yen